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Audi A3 Cabriolet review

2008 - 2013 (change model)
Parkers overall rating: 4 out of 54.0

At a glance

Price new £20,365 - £31,820
Used prices £1,414 - £5,664
Road tax cost £35 - £335
Insurance group 17 - 31
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Fuel economy Not tested to latest standards
Range 448 - 786 miles
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Available fuel types



Pros & cons


Looks good, great to drive, fast folding roof, top quality interior, four useable seats, cheap to run TDI models


Boot is hard to access, base-level models don't get an automatic roof

Written by David Ross Published: 6 June 2019 Updated: 6 June 2019


The A3 Cabriolet is an upmarket small convertible that is more affordable than the A4 Cabriolet and more practical than the TT Roadster. It took some time coming, though – the A3 hatchback on which it’s based was launched in mid-2003, while this Cabriolet didn’t appear until early 2008. But it was worth the wait. It’s a feel-good open top that’s well built, good to drive and available with some excellent engines.

It isn’t a flawless car – the boot is extremely awkward to access and base cars don’t come with a fully automatic roof. But these are minor faults in what is overall a very good car. In 2009 the TDI engines were improved with a start-stop system which significantly lowered emission and boosted fuel economy. In 2010 the 1.2 litre TSFI petrol unit was added to the range.